Date: August 25, 2013
Subject: We need your help to share your recruiting experience

Hi First_Name,



Welcome back to school! I hope that you had a great summer and internship experience.  Now that the first years are coming in, they'll have a lot of questions about the recruiting process. As a tradition, we're including second years' internship recruiting experience in the bi-weekly newspaper. Therefore, we need your help to share your experience. As first years, we relied and benefited from this information. Now it's time to pay it forward. I'm attaching the recruiting experience questionaire with this email. Please take a few minutes to fill it up and send it back to me. If you've already filled it up, thanks a lot for your effort and we'll be sharing your questionaire in the following weeks. We really appreciate your help!

Best regards,

Eve Yang

  • ABA Recruiting Experience Questionnaire.docx